Sunday, November 30, 2008

Have a Green Holiday!

    'Tis the season' once again.  The holidays create a lot of conflicting feelings for me.  I find myself wanting to analyze my life, slow down and make meaningful connections.   All of this while participating in our fast paced Capitalistic 'reason for the season'.  Which can leave me depleted.  I am use to this juggling of conflicts being an artist and a small business owner and those conflicts seem to be a universal struggle for all at this time.  Whether it is the family that is balancing the long list of items to buy for family and friends, with a desire not to turn the holidays into a meaningless commercial spending spree.  Or the conscientious consumer who wishes to find gifts that excite while not just filling the coffers of the big chain stores.  We are all defining what this time of year is and should be with our conflicting choices.  

So here is a pitch for buying handmade and supporting artist and your local economy.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Very Warm Glass

With the cooling temperatures of Autumn I have been spending more time by the warmth of the kiln. Art is about process and about learning to follow your inner voice. Being in the flow of working is at times more beautiful than the results.

I go into the process with a  goal or desire.  I've learned to let go and allow the kiln 
(the other)
 to play its role. 

This is my dance with God.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Angels and Jellys and Squid; Oh my!

The studio is a bit underwater these days and not because of all the rain from tropical storms. I am currently preparing for an installation at this years High Point furniture market. The installation is for Lee Industries and will be a 20 foot wall of glass sea life. The installation will be a backdrop for Lee's line of Green (earth friendly) furniture.

Here are a few of the latest.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008

birds on a line; series update

Often I feel like the bird on the far end of the line. Watching the greater flock from afar. Observation is a trademark of the artist and it creates new perspectives of the world. Seeing things differently can make for great art as well as confusion, isolation and bewilderment. I think the later is amplified for me during this political season.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wall of Fish

The beginning of a 'school' of fish installation.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Trash to treasure

I am always amazed at the amount of scrap glass that this company produces. I so understand how Tiffany came up with the idea of the lamps as a way to utilize the wealth of bits of glass. I have been using our scrap for years to produce art bowls.

This latest series 'Orange Hurricane' reminiscent of autumn leaves, crimson daggers and licking flames turns waste into passion.

Almost October.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

birds on a line; series update

I have always loved and appreciated the minimalist poetics found in Asian art. A single branch bisecting the horizon line, a mix of details in the foreground, all surrounded by dramatic negative space. The contrast and subtlety at creating space without the use of Western 'perspective'. I am over simplifying but we Westerners have been traveling to the far East in our art for a while. Degas, Monet, Picasso and Van Gogh are only a few that started the use of pictorial techniques that can be traced back to Japanese prints and Chinese painting.

In this series the structure of the glass has influenced me. The strong horizontals and cantilevers mixed with the outlines of the birds even further influenced the colors and shapes chosen.

Here is a second for viewing.

"9 Birds on a Wire"
12" x 9"
painted fused glass

Friday, July 25, 2008

birds on a line

A series exploring new techniques merged with past fascinations. Reverse painting on fused recycled glass scraps become relief habitats to a community of birds.

I would watch, draw and paint the black starlings outside my studio window when I was in art school (15 years ago; sigh). Like a daily soap opera I would tune in to the story outside my window. One bird, two bird, three bird, ten...... Depending on the number of birds or the distance between them a story emerged in their tensions. 'Does this bird not like that bird?' 'Maybe these two are a couple.' 'Why is that one always alone and separate from the rest?' You get the idea; It can go on and on. It did. So these birds way back then started me off asking questions that worked their way into my artistic pursuits. Their return has me keenly aware of a cycle of completion and a new beginning. Here is the first of many I wish to share.

9 1/2 birds on a wire
15" x 10"

Monday, June 30, 2008

Inclusions - Fused Glass Paintings by Avery Shaffer

'Inclusions', is a recent glass painting installation. Please contact me regarding availability of the pieces shown.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Strong Blue Below Blue

The first of a series of glass paintings that originated from a 4"x4" glass tile. This small tile contained the vastness of the ocean and spurred me to explore where glass and paint could carry a viewer. These glass paintings are windows with an emotional view.

Fused Glass Painting
36" x 18"
Avery Shaffer